
Mike Duchaney

the Seed Was Planted

from the beginning

A good portion of my childhood was spent in a Legion or VFW and it was there I made some of my best memories. Veterans of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam would spoil me with snacks, drinks, or the occasional dollar. 
Their happiness and sense of community is what I remember most now. As long as I can recall, I wanted to be in the Army and that espirit de corps I was privileged to experience would resonate with me.

restoring the past of veterans passed

The Mission

What started as a quiet hobby visiting notable military gravesites evolved into a calling to ensure their legacy lives on.

At Restoration is a unique project with a specific goal to advocate for our military deceased. It is a hybrid mix comprised of both my personal adventures and the intersecting stories I uncover and work to bring to light.

Here I will share the results from years of dedicated research as well as the highlights and information from my travels visiting the graves of some of our nation’s best.

You will also find ongoing projects and efforts to ensure the careful and proper identification, restoration, and preservation of the graves and stories of the men and women who wore the uniform.

My hopes are that highlighting these graves will entice you, the reader, to explore the history in your own backyard. And in doing so maybe even uncover a Soldier’s grave in need of At Restoration!

Honor Those Of Yesterday Who Ensured Us Today

Now and beyond

Restoring the past of veterans passed

I am honored to walk among the ghosts of giants. In the 3rd Infantry Division, names such as Audie Murphy, Paul Ray Smith, and Alwyn Cashe inspired me. In the 26th Yankee Division, knowing I was a part of the same unit with whom my great-grandfather went to WWI Europe brings a sense of pride you cannot explain. These are just some of the names in a long list of men and women who are so much more than a regurgitated citation or overlooked headstone!

Trust and privacy are paramount

have a Question, Information, or just want to say hi?